We are a
church excited
to meet you!

Freedom Baptist Church is dedicated to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout Greenville and the entire world! We are family friendly and have a warm welcoming church body. We want to invite you to be apart of what God is doing through our church, and hope that it will be a blessing and an encouragement. We are balanced, believers centered on the Word of God.

Not from any camp. 

Upcoming Events

About our ministry

We are a ministry-minded church geared toward serving the Lord in our local area. Here are some things we believe and do with the blessings we have:

FBC is dedicated to spreading the gospel throughout Greenville and the world. We believe that God wants us to be a light in the world. We make it a priority to support missionaries with prayer and finances.

Missions Minded

FBC believes that the King James Version is the best English Translation available; the reader can rely upon it with utmost confidence. We use the KJV in all our preaching, teaching and children’s ministry. 

The Word Of God

Our music ministry consists of offertories, specials, and congregational music that is geared toward honoring God and preparing hearts to better receive the preaching of God’s Word .

Music Ministry

Sunday Morning Bible class

9:30 AM

sunday worship

10:30 AM  AND 6:00 PM


We meet in the fellowship hall @ 7:00 PM for Wednesday in the Word Bible study and Prayer time


Sunday Bible Study 9:30 AM Morning Worship 10:30 AM

Sunday Evening  6:00 PM

Wednesday 7:00 PM

(in the fellowship Hall)

***Freedom First Sunday every first Sunday of the month 10:30 AM service only, followed by lunch and an afternoon service with special emphasis on MISSIONS in the fellowship hall.***


1907 West Parker Road

Greenville, SC 29617




(864) 246-7003